New berlin antarctica 1938 pdf files

Led by alfred ritscher, a kriegsmarine captain fig. As early as the 1800s, scientific teams from several countries were trying to explore, map and gain dominion over the last uninhabited continent. General records of the department of state national archives. During the cold war, antarctica was primed for conquest. In 1938, the nazis sent a large team of explorers including scientists, military units and building crews on war ships and submarines to the queen maud land region of antarctica. An inset shows dronning maud lands place in antarctica. Gear from 1930s expedition discovered in antarctica live. Back around 1937, we convened an international conference under the league of nations at the time to decide to restrict new claims to land in antarctica. Some of those also volunteered for more than one tour of duty in antarctica. Record group 59 17561993 overview of records locations table of contents 59. Fritz conrad, berlin, an deutsche antarktis expedition. Hitler sent a secret expedition to antarctica in a hunt for margarine. Authorized by herman goering as part of the german fouryear plan for economic development, on 17 december 1938 the new swabia expedition left hamburg for antarctica aboard the ms schwabenland. Between 1943 and 1945 the british launched a secret wartime antarctic operation, codenamed tabarin.

While there are more than a few conspiracy theories that deal with the nazis and advanced ancient andor alien civilizations, the supposed nazialienantarctica. Neuschwabenland was a disputed antarctic claim by nazi germany within the norwegian territorial claim of queen maud land and is now a cartographic name sometimes given to an area of antarctica between 20e and 10w in queen maud land. Mount berlin consists of two coalescing shield volcanoes, berlin crater and merrem peak, each with a 2kmwide summit caldera. Highjump is that only one plane crashed, killing three pilots. Hitlers antarctic fortress unmasked skeptoid podcast. Lincoln ellsworth lived a full and adventurous life. Authorized by herman goering as part of the german fouryear plan for economic development, on 17 december 1938 the new swabia expedition left hamburg for antarctica aboard the ms schwabenland, an expedition with 33 members plus the schwabenlands crew of 24. Nazi germany claimed the territory of new swabia in antarctica, sent an expedition there in 1938, and planned others. Europes 1933 ufo crash, hitler, admiral byrd, and the. Analysis german expedition to antarctica 193839 part. The antarctic treaty the governments of argentina, australia, belgium, chile, the french republic, japan, new zealand, norway, the union of south africa, the union of soviet socialist republics, the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, and the united states of america recognizing that it is in the interest of all mankind that antarctica shall continue forever to be used.

Now some say that the purported ancient civilization may lay under the frozen landscape of antarctica, where theorists posit that it flourished before the continent was covered in ice. Dronning maud land, the muhlighofmann and other mountains, the location of the maudheim. Thus, the third german antarctic expedition was born. Feb 27, 2018 shortly after world war ii ended, the united states mounted a huge expedition to antarctica called operation highjump. Antarctica is a place of extraordinary natural beauty that calls to many travelers. In little over a month the ship arrived at the ice covered antarctica, dropping anchor at 4 30. The story goes that in 1938, the nazis sent a ship called the schwabenland to antarctica to set up a military. New files will be added on a regular basis, so please check back often.

This nasa mission uses cold war planes to map the worlds largest island s. As a result, shes been unable to learn the truth about her husband. Germans in antarctica germans in antarctica third reich. Analysis german expedition to antarctica 193839 part 1. In preparation for war, hitler wanted to find substitutes for fatbased productsincluding margarinein case imported sources were cut off. He suspects that the base where he lived was part of the new berlin base. The major basecity of antarctica became known as the new berlin, or by.

The german antarctic expedition 193839 ludecke, cornelia. The reichskolonialbund was established on june 1936 by the former governor of german east africa, heinrich schnee. The two calderas are oriented along an eastwest line, characteristic of flood range volcanoes. The schwabenland, the ship of the 1938 german antarctic expedition. Antarcticas greatest mysteries, from lost civilisations to a. Neuschwabenland was a disputed antarctic claim by nazi germany within the norwegian territorial claim of queen. In januaryfebruary 1939, a secret german expedition visited dronning or queen maud land. Apr, 2014 german naval expedition leaves for antarctica. Mar 14, 2017 a new study destroys the myth once and for all. Neuschwabenland was the german colony set up in 193839 as the war got underway. It is arguably the worlds last great wilderness, providing travelers with a unique opportunity to experience genuine pristine wildness. Nazi germany claimed the territory of new swabia, sent an expedition there in 1938, and planned others. The lost city of atlantis has been a point of historical interest since plato first wrote of it in 360 b. Antarctica, apparently with the intention inter alia.

Nazi germany conducted research into advanced propulsion technology, including rocketry and viktor schaubergers turbine work. Antarctica antarctica is a hot potato topic right now in the alternative research community. Name the 4 powers that each controlled a sector of the city, home to more than two million people. This is the complete training video including dog sleds in preparation to go to this antarctic trip. The third german antarctic expedition 19381939 was led by alfred ritscher. Antarcticas greatest mysteries, from lost civilisations. The westernmost and highest volcano, berlin crater. It was billt in 1945 and was there for wen germany was to lose the war. German national antarctic expedition 190103 gauss crew and. This research guide provides a general understanding of how to find information on us navy personnel within the naval history and heritage command and other government institutions.

Moreover, it is even said that there is an underground aryan city called new berlin, which has a population of two million people. The major basecity of antarctica became known as the new berlin, or by the codenamed base211. The secret expedition to the german ufo alien technology. And its true the nazis did mount their own expedition to antarctica in 1938. Navy meteorologists have participated in the exploration of antarctica as part of operation deep freeze. By sending a nazi colony to antarctica, himmler believed that he was ensuring a remnant of the pure aryan race would survive the coming cataclysm with its society and culture intact. Some scientists believe that a german base still remains in the antarctic.

Aug 09, 2017 antarcticas greatest mysteries, from lost civilisations to a secret nazi space base. The first, in german activity in antarctica until after 1959 when the 19381939, was to map the region by air for the first germans set foot in dronning maud land. Erts 1 or landsat 1 was successfully placed in orbit. But one small chapter in hitlers drive for new land is often overlooked. Mount berlin is located in the flood range of marie byrd land, near the eastern coast of the ross sea. Councillor of state helmut wohlthat, the man in charge of german whaling, put this idea to his superior, hermann goring, the commissioner for the four year plan for economic development who approved the concept, and in may 1938 assigned resources for a reconnaissance expedition. Europes 1933 ufo crash, hitler, admiral byrd, and the antarctic base new berlin. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license.

Naval weather service association, naval weather service. When the third german antarctic expedition arrived at the antarctic coast on 19 january 1939, an extensive flight programme of aerial photogrammetric survey was performed with the aim of producing. Admiral byrd set out with over 4000 men on the ship mount olympus to cover over 10,000 miles south of america. The great pyramid of egypt new evidence full documentar duration.

Neverbeforeseen footage uncovers antarcticas first. Antarcticas greatest mysteries, from lost civilisations to a secret nazi space base. Nope, there was never a secret nazi base in antarctica. Neuschwabenland south pole east antarctica nsl german antarctic expedition 193839 penguin assault rifle fun. The actual beginnings of german interest in the polar. Newest theory says lost city of atlantis located in antarctica. Pdf in januaryfebruary 1939, a secret german expedition visited dronning or queen maud land, antarctica, apparently with the intention interalia of. On 23 july 1972, the first earth resources technology satellite. He describes it as a huge building of glass and plastic, several square kilometers in. Some ufo sightings during world war ii, particularly those known as foo fighters, were thought to be enemy aircraft.

Why, really, the nazis won the war and how they did it. We know for sure they undertook expeditions there in 1938. The south pole is larger the us and europe put together. Foreign agents series exopolitics uk uk tv channel russia and the broadcaster gold media present. New berchtesgaden was said to be a nazi base in antarctica. As many of you whove read my books on the nazi aspect of this big story know, i have long maintained serious doubts about the claims that during their 19381939 expedition to antarctica they began the establishment of large bases there, and continued to do so during the war.

Reportedly an onsite staff of 2000 was later stationed there to study the ancient mechanical devices, the operation of timespace portals, holographic records, and an ancient underground rail system with rainbow city being the. The antarctic treaty the governments of argentina, australia, belgium, chile, the french republic, japan, new zealand, norway, the union of south africa, the union of soviet socialist republics, the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, and the united states of america recognizing that it is in the interest of all mankind that antarctica shall continue forever to be. It landed at that sector of antarctica called queen maud land, and they named their area new schwabia, after their ship. As it became apparent that the germans were losing the war, they allegedly transferred this technology to a base in antarctica which had been established years earlier, complete with underground installations, and codenamed it the new berlin. The gear was found when new zealand researchers were on an expedition to the transantarctic mountains, the range that cuts across the. In english, it means the german expedition to antarctica 19381939, volume i, text section. It is claimed that population of this city researches genetic engineering and space technology. Gear from 1930s expedition discovered in antarctica. His request was denied, most probably as the kaiser was disappointed that no new territory of significance had been discovered, nor was there any sensational adventure to report. So, we are talking about new germany, and it is located in an area at the south pole formerly called queen maude land.

Full text of deutsche antarktische expedition 1938 1939. In a new memoir, the first explorer to make a solo crossing of antarctica recounts his journey and the quiet erosion of judgment and reason and sanity. The myth and the reality 3 permanently manned bases that could be used to obtain information on shipping activity, to deny the use of harbours to german ships, and to support teams of researchers engaged in geographical discovery and scienti. While mapping the area, they discovered a vast network of underground warmwater rivers and caves. Heres how it became an international science laboratory. Is the neushwabenland base the same as new berlin base or base 211. Farrell examines the continuing mystery of rudolf hess, his sudden flight to scotland, his supposed imprisonment at spandau prison in berlin and how his flight affected affairs in europe, israel.

The us corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline. Nazi germany conducted research into advanced propulsion technology, including rocketry, viktor schaubergers engine research, flying wing craft and the arthur sack a. The kriegsmarine was the german naval high command. In januaryfebruary 1939, a secret german expedition visited dronning or queen maud land, antarctica, apparently with the intention interalia of establishing a base there. The nazi ufos ufos, ufo sightings, case files, photographs. And it is arguably threatened due to climate change, providing an urgent mission. Britains secret war in antarctica the antarctica mystery deepens as more details emerge about norwegian, german, british and american expeditions from the 1930s and nuclear blasts over queen maud land in the 1950s.

German national antarctic expedition 190103 gauss crew. Us corporations september 30th fiscal payment deadline sep 30, 2020 usa each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. The origins of the third german antarctic expedition lie in a unique combination of the aspirations of german scientists to contribute to exploring and understanding the antarctic environment, and the nazi partys drive for selfsufficiency on the road to war. A citysized base was built near the lake called base 22 or new berlin, which was supposedly. The gear was found when new zealand researchers were on an expedition to the transantarctic mountains, the. The basic conclusion from these ice core samples is that although eastern antarctica has been covered in. Germany had joined the whaling nations in the south atlantic, keen to obtain whale oil without having to use valuable foreign. He believed that the current age, or kali yuga, would end in a global cataclysm, thereby giving birth to a new worldage called the satya yuga. Yes, there is more speculation and clickbaity all capitalletter headlines than actual facts, however people have awoken to the fact that something is going on down there something big. Aug 20, 2015 in english, it means the german expedition to antarctica 19381939, volume i, text section. An ancient hitech city nicknamed rainbow city was reportedly discovered in antarctica by a small group of american researchers in the late 1940s. Pursuing his investigations of wwii machinations, secret international agreements, breakaway civilizations and hidden wars in antarctica, author and researcher joseph p. The story goes that in 1938, the nazis sent a ship called the schwabenland to antarctica to set up a military base, on the orders of admiral donitz.

Farrell examines the continuing mystery of rudolf hess, his sudden flight to scotland, his supposed imprisonment at spandau. May 20, 2018 during the cold war, antarctica was primed for conquest. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. The author says that the base where he lived it is located not far from another alien base which bears the name new berlin. Full text of deutsche antarktische expedition 1938 1939 1941, 114 doppels. Stasiland summary from litcharts the creators of sparknotes. November 1938 he arrived in hamburg and showed the crew and a clearly. From there drygalski sent a request to berlin for another winter to be spent in antarctica. Neuschwabenland south pole east antarctica nsl german antarctic expedition 1938 39 penguin assault rifle fun patch patches amazon warehouse shop great deals on millions of quality used products browse now. Jan 30, 2020 in a new memoir, the first explorer to make a solo crossing of antarctica recounts his journey and the quiet erosion of judgment and reason and sanity. Im an author on these subjects and i can say with some authority, michael salla did a really good job comparing the theories of pole shift authors like charles hapgood, chan thomas, and rand flemath in this presentation.